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  • 公司认证: 营业执照已认证
  • 企业性质:私营企业
  • 公司地址: 河北省 沧州 盐山县 盐山镇 开发区
  • 姓名: 袁经理
  • 认证: 手机未认证 身份证未认证 微信未绑定



  • 所属行业:钢铁 建筑钢材
  • 发布日期:2018-08-29
  • 阅读量:171
  • 价格:3000.00 元/吨 起
  • 产品规格:不限
  • 产品数量:1000000.00 吨
  • 包装说明:不限
  • 发货地址:河北沧州盐山县盐山镇  
  • 关键词:DFPB重防护护桥管,双金属重防护护桥管,DFPB双金属护桥管


    DFPB双金属重防护护桥管是把普通钢管经过工艺处理,横向安装时,两固**之间的间距为,涂层复合管公称外径不小 于76mm时,应不大于1100mm。涂塑钢涂层在端口完好,应采用削刀削成倾内倒角。在钢管内、外层表面经涂敷一种特制的聚乙烯材料而制得的其表面具有抗静电、阻燃性能的钢塑复合管。先在钢管两端焊接法兰,法兰应焊接牢固,再经聚乙烯涂敷。沟槽应采用**滚槽机压槽,注意沟槽深度应符合相关标准(CJ/T156).管道切割应采用金属锯,大口径管宜采用锯床,使用盘踞切割时,其转速不得大于800r/min。安装时,在涂层复合管的两法兰间加装密封垫,用螺栓压紧即可。
    DFPB bimetal heavy protection bridge pipe is a common steel pipe after process treatment, transverse installation, the distance between the two fixed points, coating composite pipe nominal diameter is not less than 76mm, should not be more than 1100 mm. The coated steel coating is in good condition and should be cut into chamfering by cutting knife. Steel-plastic composite pipes with antistatic and flame retardant properties were prepared by coating a special polyethylene material on the inner and outer surfaces of the pipes. Flange is welded at both ends of the steel pipe. The flange should be soldered firmly and then coated with polyethylene. The groove shall be pressed by a special grooving machine, and the depth of the groove shall conform to the relevant standards (CJ/T156). The metal saw shall be used for pipe cutting, the saw machine shall be used for large diameter pipe cutting, and the rotational speed shall not exceed 800r/min when the plate cutting is used. When installing, insert the gasket between the two orchids of the coating composite pipe and press it with bolts.
    欢迎订购!The quality is assurance, the reasonable price, welcome to order, ordering or the proxy.
    欢迎来到沧州胜仓管道制造有限公司网站, 具体地址是河北省沧州盐山县开发区,联系人是袁经理。 主要经营沧州胜仓专业生产螺旋钢管、直缝钢管、无缝钢管、石油套管、加工3PE防腐钢管、聚氨酯保温钢管、TPEP防腐钢管、环氧粉末防腐钢管、涂塑符合钢管、无毒饮水钢管、重防护双金属护桥线管、热浸塑电缆穿线保护管、消防涂塑钢管、煤矿井用环氧树脂复合钢管、管线管、保温管、合金管、不锈钢管、管件、防腐保温材料、管道设备配件:销售管材、钢板、线材、钢材:经营本企业自产产品及技术的出口业务和本企业所需的机械设备,零配件。 单位注册资金单位注册资金人民币 100 万元以下。 我们公司主要供应防腐钢管,保温钢管,涂塑钢管,电缆穿线管,螺旋钢管等,公司郑重承诺:以好的质量,低的价格,完善的售后服务,来答谢新老客户,所以选择我们,就等于选择财富!