环球新闻资讯,10月5日获悉:TPEP防腐钢管—外缠绕三层聚乙烯内熔结环氧防腐钢管。他延续了传统钢管强度高,整体性强,可塑性好,能承受较高的外压和内压,对地基的适应性好的优点。相对于砼管和球墨铸铁管重量较轻,安装方便,接头少,无渗漏。内壁热熔结环氧树脂涂层附着力好,耐久性长、耐腐蚀能力强,使用寿命50年以上。供水TPEP防腐钢管是国内近年来发展起来的一种新型管道材料,*早在20世纪80年代末开始兴起,1988年公司从日本引进流化床浸渍生产线,它以钢管为基体,在钢管内覆上各种塑料后复合而成。塑料材料的运用赋予了这种管材更加优异的实用性能,既有钢管的强度和钢度,又有塑料的耐化学腐蚀、无污染、内壁光滑、不积垢、流体阻力小等优点。在我国建筑业迅速发展的形式下,其市场推广与应用也迎来发展契机。 TPEP anticorrosive steel pipe - three layers of polyethylene internally fused epoxy anticorrosive steel pipe. It has the advantages of high strength, strong integrity, good plasticity, high external pressure and internal pressure, and good adaptability to the foundation. Compared with concrete pipes and ductile iron pipes, the weight is lighter, the installation is convenient, the joints are few, and there is no leakage. The hot-melted epoxy coating on the inner wall has good adhesion, long durability, strong corrosion resistance and service life of more than 50 years. TPEP anticorrosive steel pipe for water supply is a new type of pipe material developed in recent years in China. It started to rise in the late 1980s. In 1988, the company introduced a fluidized bed impregnating production line from Japan. It is made of steel pipe as the base material and coated with various plastics. The use of plastic materials gives this kind of pipe more excellent practical performance, both the strength and stiffness of the steel pipe, and plastic chemical corrosion resistance, pollution-free, smooth inner wall, no fouling, low fluid resistance and so on. In the form of rapid development of China's construction industry, its market promotion and application also usher in an opportunity for development. TPEP钢管生产经中频加热钢管较传统的电炉加热方式,中频加热具有更高的转化率,有效的节约了电能。采用中频加热,钢管中的热量由内向外散发,使加热温度更加均匀,有效的保证环氧涂层的优质固化。单层聚乙烯采用内喷外淋工艺内喷涂环氧粉末、外淋涂聚乙烯粉末的技术称为幕帘法,又称淋涂工艺,采用中频加热方式利用管子余热使二者同时固化,不需单独分别涂敷固化。三层结构聚乙烯采用熔结缠绕工艺内壁采用热喷涂环氧粉末防腐方式,将粉末经高温加热熔结后均匀地涂敷在管体内表面上。外涂层涂敷采用高压挤出缠绕工艺,较大地提高了致密性,涂层坚韧耐磨,抗冲击性及抗弯曲性优良,能有效防止施工中的机械损坏及使用过程中的植物根系和土壤环境应力的损坏。4内外同时防腐,内环氧外三PE实现了同步涂覆,同步固化一次性成膜的核心技术,内外表面同时进行涂覆不仅大大减少了喷涂时间,提高了工作效率,并且涂覆过程中,钢管在内外涂层的同时包裹下,较大限度的减小了热量的散失,充分利用了钢管中的潜热,进一步提高了热效率。